A life is made up of years, which is made up of months that include your day to day life. A life is composed of daily moment by moment decisions that result in the destiny of your life. I think as every new year rolls around people take inventory of their life. What have I done? What did I accomplish? Am I happy? What is my purpose for living? All these questions are brought to the forefront with the promise of a new year. A new beginning. However, many people continue to live the same miserable year over and over again. They never make the choices necessary for real change.
For me, my biggest change came when I was 17 and completely miserable. I was running from God or at least the thought of how boring my life would be if I sold out completely to Him and His plan for my life. So one day I decided to rededicate my life to Jesus and his plan and purpose for my life. This decision led me to decide to get trained for my calling in life as a minister. After high school and some college, I went to Bible school in Tulsa, Oklahoma. These were some of the best years for me. I was daily learning about God's wonderful plans for me, how I can hear God's voice, and the power of my words in my own life. These were years of great growth and learning for me.
Later after graduating from Bible school and serving and traveling in the Ministry, I decided at the direction of God in my heart to move back to Texas. Prior to making this move I remember sitting in my apartment and thinking... "Why am I not making any progress? Why does it look like everyone else's life is moving forward but mine?" Then I heard the Lord speak to my heart Jude 1:20 (amp) it says, "But you, beloved, build yourselves up on your most holy faith {make PROGRESS, rise like an edifice higher and higher} praying in the HOLY SPIRIT". "That's it," I said in my heart! I had never seen it before. If I want to make PROGRESS, I must spend more time praying in the HOLY SPIRIT! Prior to this revelation that flooded my heart I did pray in the HOLY SPIRIT or in other tongues. However, I realized in that moment that if I wanted to make more progress in the plan of God for my life, I needed to spend MORE time praying in the HOLY SPIRIT.
This year I want to challenge you to do whatever it takes to spend more time praying in the HOLY SPIRIT. The Holy Spirit is the One who knows the plan of God for your life and reveals it to you. While you are praying in an unknown tongue, He is making your path smooth and clear for you to walk out that plan. The Word of God tells us in Romans 8:28 that the Holy Spirit makes intercession for you according to and in agreement with God's will for your life. If you want to activate those dreams in your heart, move forward in the plan of God for your life and have the most fulfilling year ever - spend much time everyday praying in the HOLY SPIRIT!
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